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The breast is best debate

The breast is best debate

It's world Breastfeeding week this week, and seeing so many breastfeeding photos and stories on social media has prompted me to share mine. I wrote this when I feeling raw about the Breast is Best campaign, which caused me so much grief with my mental health at the beginning with both babies.
Navigating Hyperemesis Gravidarum: Understanding, Coping, and Finding Support

Navigating Hyperemesis Gravidarum: Understanding, Coping, and Finding Support

Welcoming a new life into the world is a profound journey, but for some mothers-to-be, it comes with an unexpected challenge: Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG). In this article, we'll dive into what HG is, its impact, coping strategies, and where to find support in New Zealand.

5 Things Not to Say to New Parents

5 Things Not to Say to New Parents

In this blog, we'll explore five things you should steer clear of to ensure you're offering the best support to the sleep-deprived parents in your life. While it's essential to offer love, assistance, and words of encouragement, there are certain things we should aim to avoid saying to new parents, as their hormonal fluctuations and sleep deprivation can make them more sensitive.
Navigating the Fourth Trimester: A Guide for New Parents

Navigating the Fourth Trimester: A Guide for New Parents

The Fourth Trimester period, roughly spanning the first three months of your baby's life, can be both beautiful and challenging. In this blog, we'll explore what the fourth trimester is, what to expect, and most importantly, how to not just survive it but thrive during this unique and transformative time.
Snoring in babies and toddlers

Snoring in babies and toddlers

As parents, we often find ourselves amused by the gentle snores coming from our little ones. While snoring is commonly associated with adults, it's important to recognise that snoring in babies and toddlers is not normal and can have significant implications for their health and development.
Postpartum Depression: a raw read

Postpartum Depression: a raw read

Because postnatal depression can affect how you feel about and care for your baby and other children, it is important not to ignore any signs that something may be wrong. You’re not a bad parent and postnatal depression doesn’t mean you don’t love your baby.
How snoozing helps your baby's development

How snoozing helps your baby's development

Although it might not feel like it when they’re awake at 3am, your baby loves to nap. Many babies sleep for up to 17 hours a day.  But they don’t just switch off when they’re snoozing in their cot or Moses basket – a lot is going on in their growing brains and bodies.
Sleep Week 2023: Opinion piece

Sleep Week 2023: Opinion piece

Unpopular opinion ahead… I stand against sleep martyrdom. Sleep is a biological necessity, not a luxury. So the next time you read that challenging sleep is normal, will pass, and is a rite of passage to parenting, I encourage you to think past this and prioritise sleep. You don’t have to be a sleep martyr!
Sharing the load

Sharing the load

Alongside their paid employment, the majority of mothers take on most of the household responsibilities - entertaining the children, booking and attending appointments for the children, organising family outings, playdates and after school activities, household chores… you get the picture!
Red light in the night - why?

Red light in the night - why?

Research has shown that exposure to blue light, which is emitted by most electronic devices and some light bulbs, can disrupt circadian rhythms and suppress melatonin secretion, which can lead to difficulty falling and staying asleep. On the other hand, red light doesn't do this!
3 reasons I love routine!

3 reasons I love routine!

Reading a baby’s cues can be a minefield.  Babies will often display similar cues for hunger, tiredness and boredom, and putting these into context is necessary to understand just what it is your baby is needing.  A combination of clock watching and reading cues is often key to figuring this out.
The arrival of a sibling

The arrival of a sibling

The arrival of a new sibling is an exciting and joyous event for many families. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the ways in which the arrival of a new sibling can impact a child's sleep, as well as strategies parents can use to help their child adjust to these changes.
Taking care of you

Taking care of you

Sleep deprivation is a common struggle for new parents, and its impact goes beyond just feeling tired. In fact, sleep deprivation can significantly contribute to the development or exacerbation of postpartum depression and anxiety, - both of which are both common mood disorders that can occur after giving birth.
Temperature for sleep - getting it right

Temperature for sleep - getting it right

Temperature plays an important role in our circadian rhythm regulation, with our temperatures rising during waking hours, and dropping during sleeping hours.  A baby who is too hot or cold may struggle to settle to sleep initially, and to drop into a deep, restorative period of sleep.
The 4 month sleep regression and 3 tips to get you through

The 4 month sleep regression and 3 tips to get you through

Whether you're still grappling with sleep deprivation or finally getting the hang of a routine, brace yourself for the 4-month sleep regression – for some families it's a real game-changer (and not in a great way). Your little one's nighttime sleep becomes a top priority for everyone's sake!
Top 8 Tips for the End of Daylight Savings

Top 8 Tips for the End of Daylight Savings

In New Zealand, Daylight Saving ends at 2am on Sunday 4th April – this is just 2 weeks away!
Transitioning from a swaddle to a sleeping bag - when and how?

Transitioning from a swaddle to a sleeping bag - when and how?

Swaddling is a brilliant tool to help your newborn feel safe and secure, along with hampering the...
Newborn Sleep

Newborn Sleep

Newborns can be such unpredictable little beings, one day sleeping for long periods, other days j...
Early Morning Wakeups.. WHY!?

Early Morning Wakeups.. WHY!?

If you have an early riser, you may be feeling frustrated with your day starting at 5am, 7 days a week! Early morning wake ups can occur for a number of reasons, and they can be one of the trickiest things to change.
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